Would you like. . . . ? Great Rewards for Easy Actions
Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya
1 – Would you like to be close to Allaah?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( أقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه و هو ساجد فأكثروا الدعاء ))
‘The closest the slave of Allaah is to his Lord is when he is in Sajda (prostration), so make Dua a lot.’
[Collected by Muslim]
2 – Would you like the reward of Hajj?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( العمرة فى رمضان تعدل حجة أو حجة معى ))
‘Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj or Hajj with me.’
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
3 – Would you like a home in Paradise?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من بنى مسجداً لله بنى الله لة فى الجنه مثلة ))
‘Whoever built a Masjid for Allaah, then Allaah builds for him in Paradise likewise. ‘
[Collected by Muslim]
4 – Would you like to achieve the pleasure of Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( إن الله ليرضى عن العبد يأكل الأكلة فيحمده عليها و يشرب الشربة فيحمده عليها ))
‘Indeed Allaah is pleased with the slave of Allaah who eats a morsel of food and praises Allaah for it and drinks a sip and praises Allaah for it.’
[Collected by Muslim]
5 – Would you like your Dua’ to be responded to?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( الدعاء بين الأذان و الإقامة لا يرد ))
‘The Dua’ made between the Adhan and the Iqama is not rejected.’
[Collected by Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban authenticated by Albaani in ‘Saheeh al-Jamia’ no. 3408]
6 – Would you like the reward for fasting the complete year written for you?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
صوم ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر يعدل صوم الدهر كله))))
‘Fasting three days from every month is equivalent to fasting the whole year.’
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
7 – Would you like to have good deeds the size of mountains?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من شهد الجنازة حتى صلى عليها فلة قيراط و من شهدها حتى تدفن فلة قيراطان قيل و ما القيراطان ؟ قال مثل الجبلين العظيمين ))
‘Whoever attends a funeral prayer until he prayed for the deceased then he will have a Qiraat (mountain of gold) of reward and whoever attends the funeral until the burial will have two Qiraat of reward.’
It was asked what are two Qiraat? The Prophet said: ‘The like of two great mountains.’
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
8 – Would you like to accompany the Prophet in Paradise?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( أنا و كافل اليتيم كهاتين فى الجنه و أشار بإصبعية السبابة و الوسطى ))
‘I and the guardian of an orphan are like these two in Paradise,’ and he indicated by placing his index finger and forefinger together.’
[Collected by Bukhari]
8 – Would you like that your actions continue after your death?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
إذا مات الإنسان انقطع عمله إلا ثلاث : صدقة جارية , أو علمٍ ينتفع به , أو ولد صالح يدعو له
‘If a person dies his actions are discontinued except for three: continuous charity, or knowledge which is benefited by, or a righteous son (child) who supplicates for him.’
[Collected by Bukhari]
9 – Would you like a gem from the gems of Paradise?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله ))
‘There is no power or might except with Allaah.’
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billaa
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
10 – Would you like the reward of praying the whole night?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من صلى العشاء فى جماعة كأنما قام نصف الليل و من صلى الصبح فى جماعة كأنما صلى الليل كلة ))
‘Whoever prays Isha prayer in congregation then it is as if he prayed half the night, and whoever prayed the morning prayer in congregation then it is as if he prayed the whole night.’
[Collected by Muslim]
11 – Would you like to read a third of the Qur’aan in a minute?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( قل هو الله أحد تعدل ثلث القرأن ))
‘Say Allaah is only one is equivalent to a third of the Qur’aan.’
[Collected by Muslim]
12 – Would you like that your scales are heavy with good deeds?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– said:
(( كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان حبيبتان الى الرحمن ثقيلتان فى الميزان)(
There are two words which are gentle on the tongue, beloved to ar-Rahmaan and heavy on the scales: –
: سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ الْعَظِيمِ.
‘Far is Allaah from imperfection and praise is for Him, Far is Allaah The Sublime from imperfection
Subhana Allaahi wa Bihamdihi, Subhana Allaahil Atheem
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
13 – Would you like that Allaah increases your provisions?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من سرة أن يبسط فى رزقة أو ينسأ له فى أثرة فليصل رحمه ))
‘Whoever is pleased that his provision is increased or that his life is lengthened then he should keep good relations with his relatives.’
[Collected by Bukhari]
14 – Would you like that Allah would love to meet you?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من أحب لقاء الله أحب الله لقائة ))
‘Whoever loves to meet Allaah, then Allah loves to meet him.’
[Collected by Bukhari]
15 – Would you like that Allaah protects you?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من صلى الصبح فهو في ذمة الله ))
‘Whoever prays the morning prayer then he is under the protection of Allaah.’
[Collected by Muslim]
16 – Would you like Salat sent upon you ten-fold?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
من صلّى عليّ واحدة صلى الله عليه بها عشراً
‘Whoever sends Salat upon me once, then Allaah sends Salam upon him ten-fold.’
[Collected by Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nisa’ee, Tirmidhi & Ibn Hibban. Albaani graded it Saheeh in ‘Saheeh Targheeb wa Tarheeb’ 2/288/1656]
17 – Would you like that Allaah raises your status?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( و ما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله عز و جل ))
‘No one humbled himself for Allaah except that Allaah -Azza wa Jal –raises his status.’
[Collected by Muslim]
18 – Would you like to be distanced between yourself and hell fire by seventy years?
The Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam– said:
(( من صام يوماً فى سبيل الله باعد الله بينة و بين النار سبعين خريفاً ))
‘Whoever fasted a day for the sake of Allaah, then Allaah distances between him and the Hell fire seventy years.’
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]